Mary Crabb


Twined basketry on a small scale

Twined basketry on a small scale

Friday 26 April 2024.

West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN.

The course will focus on the technique of twining, making a connection with both basketry and textiles. Twining requires the weaving of an active element around a passive warp. The weaving is worked in the hands with the use of a few simple tools.

Basics of joining in new threads, changing colours and weaving a simple pattern will be covered. All students will work on the same simple form.

This course is one of five individual courses with Mary Crabb during May and June, each exploring different textile and sculptural basketry techniques which may also be of interest.

For more information and booking please visit the West Dean College website.

NB. Go to West Dean College website, select Short Courses from the banner, then London Bloomsbury short courses option. My courses are listed under Craft Courses.