Mary Crabb



Twined Basketry on a Large Scale

Friday 21 March 2025 West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN. Learn how to twine, with the aim of making a large-scale twined basket. Woven in rope and fabric the basket will offer some simple skills of twining, adding warps and creating a decorative border. The course will focus on the […]

Cordage and Plaits with Everyday Materials

Friday 31 January 2025 West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN. This course will focus on the technique of making cordage and plaiting materials. We will be working with everyday materials, so that the processes are accessible to all, including those without readily available plant material. This course will focus on […]

Plaited Spheres in Hex Weave

Friday 18 October 2024 West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN. Learn the basketry technique of hex weave on a curved surface to weave a sphere or ball. The ball will be plaited using flat bands. Learn the basketry technique of hex weave on a curved surface to weave a sphere […]

Textile Basketry – exploring twined pod forms

Friday 22 – Sunday 24 November 2024 West Dean College, West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex. PO18 0QZ. Create woven pod forms while weaving textile-based basketry, inspired by gourds and seedpods. Using threads of various thicknesses, the pods can be woven in a range of sizes and with texture, colour and pattern. Taking inspiration from the […]

Twined basketry on a small scale

Friday 27 September 2024. West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN. The course will focus on the technique of twining, making a connection with both basketry and textiles. Twining requires the weaving of an active element around a passive warp. The weaving is worked in the hands with the use of […]