Mary Crabb



Twined Bean Pod – one day – pre-book group

This one-day workshop, will offer an opportunity to learn the how to weave a twined bean. Working with fine materials, Mary will teach her technique for weaving bean pods. Starting at one end, she will demonstrate how to insert warp threads to create the form.There will be an emphasis on weaving pockets and openings. This […]

A Taste of Coiling – one day – pre-book group

This one-day workshop, will offer an opportunity to learn the basketry/textile technique of coiling. Primarily a stitching technique, a core is wrapped and connected using a stitching or looping movement of a finer second material. Decisions about the position of the core material will inform the form which is held in the hands. Participants will […]

A Taste of Twining – one day – pre-book group

 This one-day workshop, will offer an opportunity to learn the basketry/textile technique of twining. Twining involves the weaving of two threads using the fingertips, whilst the form is held in the hands.Starting with a small sample to introduce the basics and practice skills, participants will move on to weave at least one small vessel.  Materials for […]

Significant Figures

I Will Remember Him, sample

Mary shares the designing and making of her new work Significant Figures. The work relates to her Grandmother’s boyfriend, Cecil, killed in France in 1916. A very personal body of work bringing together Mary’s interest in mathematics and making, and the story of Cecil and Elsie. Read more >> “I’m so glad I was able […]

Intertwined – Textile Basketry

Mary makes connections between basketry and textiles. Where does one begin and the other end? “Thank you so much for your talk and stories.”