
Mary is available to give talks to interested groups.

Following the changes to Covid-19 restrictions Mary is able to offer a one hour virtual talk via Zoom, or face to face talks, if combined with a workshop booking, or as a stand alone within a reasonable travelling distance from West Sussex.

This will include a PowerPoint presentation and a ‘show and tell’ of work. Time will be available for participants to converse with Mary and ask questions.

Please contact Mary for further details
Talks booked by: Embroiderers’ Guilds, Weavers, Spinners & Dyers Guilds, WI, Textile Groups


The listener is taken on a journey from the beginnings of Mary’s basketmaking using willow, working in a traditional way through to more recent contemporary work.


Mary makes connections between basketry and textiles. Where does one begin and the other end?

“Thank you so much for your talk and stories.”


Mary shares the designing and making of her new work Significant Figures. The work relates to her Grandmother’s boyfriend, Cecil, killed in France in 1916. A very personal body of work bringing together Mary’s interest in mathematics and making, and the story of Cecil and Elsie.


“I’m so glad I was able to make last Saturday’s Guild Meeting and hear your talk ‘Significant Figures’. It was a such a moving tribute to your Grandmother’s boyfriend and all who fought in WW1. Thank you so much for coming over.”